Using only two I2C pins, control 16 free-running PWM outputs! 6 address select pins, You can even stack up 62 shields to control up to 992 PWM outputs, you can control a lot of servos or LEDs.
Because I2C is a shared bus you can also connect other I2C devices and sensors to the SCL/SDA pins as long as their addresses don’t conflict (this shield has address 0x40)
Independent power steering, largest input V + 6V
Logic signals and logic output 3-5v power independent
Frequency 40-1000Hz, adjustable frequency PWM up to about 1.6 KHz
Number of channels: 16 channels
Resolution: 12-bit resolution for each output – for servos, that means about 4us resolution at 60Hz update rate
arduino libraries include examples avaialble.
There’s an I2C-controlled PWM driver with a built in clock. That means that, unlike the TLC5940 family, you do not need to continuously send it signal tying up your microcontroller, its completely free running!
Configurable push-pull or open-drain output
Three pins signal-VCC-GND design.
Stackable design for arduino
220ohm resistors for all the output, protective design for driving LEDs.